Thursday 24 February 2011

E.P. news update


So yeah, I'm now progressing to the next stage of my E.P. which is the artwork!!!

I met this guy called Terry Walls at a gig in Worcester, who is a Graphics Designer as well as an amazing musician who has shown a keen interest in myself, which is very touching actually.  He's kindly helping me out with the artwork for the E.P. and we will be brainstorming ideas together this Saturday.  I'm really looking forward to working with him and to find out what direction the muse will take us to this time.....

I have a couple of working titles, one of which describes how very individual these 4 songs are and the other describes my whole musical journey as been one long, hard, frustrating struggle.

I guess I was a bit naive in thinking, when I first started out making music, that it was all gonna be plain-sailing. Man, was I wrong or what! But still, I put myself through these “struggles” because that's what is part and parcel of pursuing music to a level that you can.  Life provides us with obstacles and it's the overcoming of them that makes us better at what we do.

When you see these deluded people on these superficial talent shows on TV, they think that it's EASY and in a way it is, because these shows are a big massive fame-making machine, but what they fail to realise is the other HARD stuff that comes with it. When they've been thrust into the limelight and at that stage, it's a matter of “sink or swim”, well, a lot of them “sink”!  This is because they can't take the heat and don't possess any form of raw talent, they're just mimicking who they've grown up listening to musically. When you take to the stage, it takes bollocks to possess your own persona and to perform on your own – you can either do it or you can't.  Been a proper musician is a long hard journey doing all of the small gigs (which is the most fun actually, for me personally...), playing to a small crowd who aren't listening, actually one person I knew once summed it up quite well to me, which is "performing to the barman" - LOL!!!  It takes years to actually get somewhere and these talent show darlings just want it handed to them on a plate - they just want the fame and money and not have any form of musical success, longevity or dignity.  To me, there's no satisfaction in that.... 

I knew in myself what I wanted and I've learnt so much good and bad stuff about music (put it this way, the bad stuff has been a major eye-opener for me) and I can gladly say that I'm happy I didn't quit music - believe me I came close...  I love the stage where I'm at now with my music.  It would have been too easy for me to just quit and I've come this far.  I'm happy to still be doing it, to still be putting myself through these nerve-racking situations.  That's the only way I can become a better musician, is to take risks - There's lots more road left on my musical journey....

Anyway, I've gone off on a bit of a tangent there - but I guess that's blogging for you. 

I will "blog" again once things have progress with the artwork.

Thanks again for reading and taking an interest in my music.

Thanking you and loving you muchly, Sarah, xxx